How to Become a Digital Creator: 14 Tips to Start Your Journey

Trendupp Africa
9 min readJun 14, 2024


In our current digital age, the role of a digital creator has become incredibly important. You have probably heard the term “digital creator,” as you browse social media or follow your favourite brands online. But what does a digital creator actually do and how can you become one?

Digital creators are the creative minds behind the engaging content that grabs our attention and helps businesses connect with their audience. From boosting brand awareness to driving sales, their work is crucial for many companies and social media platforms.

Are you curious about what it takes to become a digital creator? In this blog, we will explore what being a digital creator involves and share some tips to help you get started on your own creative journey.

Who Is A Digital Creator?

A digital creator is someone who makes content for digital platforms. This content can be videos, photos, graphics, blog posts, or other media types. The platforms they use include YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, websites, and any other digital spaces.

Digital creators, often called content creators, make content to engage an audience. Their content can take many forms, like TV show reviews, tutorials, or day-in-the-life vlogs. Regardless of the type of content, a digital creator’s main job is to create high-quality, engaging material.

You should also note that digital creators are not the same as influencers, even though their roles can overlap. Influencers are social media personalities who create content to persuade their followers to do or buy something. They typically earn a commission from sales or receive other incentives.

While digital creators can influence their audience, their main goal is to educate, entertain, and engage, not necessarily to sell products.

13 Tips to Start Your Digital Creator Journey

Becoming a full-time digital creator using online media can be challenging. It can be challenging especially when staying updated with the latest trends. But don’t worry, you can still succeed.

In addition, there is no single path to becoming a digital creator, but following these tips can help you get started on the right foot and set yourself up for success.

1. Discover Your Niche

Finding your niche gives you a clear focus, consistency, and helps you attract a loyal audience. If your content is too broad, people won’t know what to expect and might lose interest. In addition, when you hit a creative block, your niche can remind you why you started creating content in the first place.

So, to discover your niche, start by evaluating yourself, experiences, skills and interests. What have you created or worked on that got positive feedback?

Check out a detailed article on finding your niche as a digital creator.

After your self-evaluation, look at the market. Where are people already spending their money? What are they reading, watching, or consuming?

Find where your answers intersect. Your niche should align with what you know and love, and what people are interested in.

If your niche idea requires you to learn a lot of new things, it might not be the right fit. The best niche should feel almost effortless, playing to your strengths and making success feel natural.

2. Gather Your Materials

Once you know what kind of content you want to make, start gathering the equipment you need, such as a mic, camera, and lighting. Just remember — you don’t have to splurge on the most expensive materials to get started, especially if you are new to content creating.

For example, if you want to start a YouTube channel you can likely get away with using your smartphone’s camera while you save up to buy a higher quality one. For lighting, natural sunlight from a nearby window can work just fine.

Not only is it perfectly fine to use more affordable equipment at the start of your creator journey — it is also wiser. You wouldn’t want to spend thousands of dollars on equipment only to realise you don’t enjoy content creating enough to stick with it.

3. Set SMART Goals.

Setting goals is one of the best ways to improve as a digital creator. For instance, a podcaster might aim to boost their audience by 30 percent by next year. Therefore, setting SMART goals help you maintain focus.

SMART goals are:

  • Specific: Clear and well-defined.
  • Measurable: Trackable with numbers, e.g targeting 30 percent increase in listeners.
  • Achievable: Realistic about what you can accomplish.
  • Relevant: Aligned with your overall purpose.
  • Timely: Target date for completion.

SMART goals act as a road map, guiding you toward your ultimate objective as a content creator. By following this approach, you are more likely to succeed and see real progress in your creative journey.

4. Pick Your Platform(s)

Choosing the right platforms is key to your success as a digital creator. Most creators use about 3 to 4 channels to engage their audience, so you have to be strategic. Start by considering your target audience and how they use each platform.

Consider content lifespan — Twitter content fades quickly, while YouTube and Pinterest content lasts longer. Look for platforms that fit your niche, like Dribbble for designers. Also, consider monetization options and test with small posts to see what works. Finally, comply with data privacy laws to build trust and avoid fines.

We also listed out platforms that you can join to monetize your content creation in this post.

5. Build Your Brand

As a digital creator, we recommend building your brand around your personal style as authenticity is key. Share your unique perspective and don’t be afraid to show your personality. This helps you connect with your audience and build trust.

Sharing personal stories, maintaining visual consistency in colours and fonts, and using unique intros or sign-offs in your videos are things required to create an authentic brand. In addition, you can share innovative insights about your niche to position yourself as an authority.

Offer quick, valuable content snippets like Instagram Stories or TikTok videos, and collaborate with brands that align with your values. Finally, develop signature phrases to make your content recognizable.

6. Create Engaging Content

You should always aim to create engaging content to keep people hooked and returning to your page. But first, you must find your niche and recognize your values.

Don’t beat yourself if your first attempt reeks of imperfection. Keep practising and learning to get better. In addition, you should document your process — The good, bad, and ugly — and improve yourself.

Furthermore, we encourage focusing on creating timeless content that will grow steadily over time instead of chasing trends for quick gains, which is not sustainable.

Repurpose content that did not get the expected traction. Sometimes, a tweak or a new platform can make it successful. Also, don’t obsess over SEO. Write for people first and let the search engines follow.

Lastly, dive deep into your niche. By becoming an expert in a very specific area, you can attract a dedicated audience looking for exactly what you offer.

7. Stay Organised and Consistent

They need to know when to expect new content from you to keep your audience hooked. This means sticking to a regular schedule. A great trick is to create content in batches. For instance, you could film five TikTok or Instagram videos over the weekend and schedule them to go out one by one during the week.

Refer to “How to Become A Consistent Creator in 5 Practical Ways” for a detailed guide.

Staying organised is also essential as a creator. Some people love using physical planners, but digital tools can be super helpful too. Notion, Asana, and Trello are favourites among many digital creators. It lets you write, plan, and organise everything in one spot, making it easier to keep track of your content and deadlines.

8. Be Flexible

It is great to start with one platform, like blogging, but don’t be afraid to try others. For example, if you are a blogger, you might want to experiment with podcasts or Vlogs. Podcasts can bring a fresh energy to your content and help you reach more people.

Switching things up can keep your audience engaged and attract new followers. Maybe your written content will inspire great podcasts or Vlog episodes, or your podcast topics could make for interesting blog posts. Trying different mediums also helps you discover what you enjoy most and where your strengths lie.

Check out: Blog vs. Podcast: Which Wins the Crown for Your Brand?

Being versatile not only keeps your content exciting but also makes you a more well-rounded creator.

9. Maintain Activeness On Social Media

To grow as a digital creator, staying active on social media is key. It’s not just about posting; it’s about engaging. Reply to comments on your posts to build a connection with your audience. You can also create a variety of content like graphics, videos, and polls to keep your followers interested.

Then, share short clips from your YouTube videos on TikTok or Instagram Reels. Promote your podcast by making short videos featuring special guests. Being active and interactive helps you reach more people and keeps your followers engaged and excited about your content.

10. Monetize Your Content

Platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitch all have paid opportunities for creators who have a certain number of followers and engagement. Keep track of your progress on these apps to see if you’re eligible or close to being eligible.

Other ways to make money as a creator is through brand partnerships, sponsorships, and collaborations.If brands are not reaching out to you organically, then create a media kit that has information about your content, follower count, social media, and engagement — and start reaching out to brands yourself.

11. Create Content For Third-Parties

Digital creators make content for others and themselves, earning money in various ways. Writers can craft blog posts or social media updates for brands, while graphic designers and videographers can earn good money working with companies.

In addition, you can create and sell your branded products to make money. Digital creators can profit by selling e-books, online courses, photos, or even branded merchandise.

Affiliate marketing is also popular. In this case, creators recommend products or services and share a unique link with their audience. Each time someone buys through this link, the creator earns a commission.

12. Understand Analytics and SEO

If you want to boost your content visibility, you should understand SEO and analytics. Start with keyword research to find the terms your audience is searching for. Use these keywords naturally in your titles, descriptions/captions, and tags to make your content easier to find.

Ensure your visual elements, like thumbnails, are engaging and include relevant keywords in their filenames and alt-text.

Be proactive with internal linking to keep your audience engaged and explore more of your content. As search algorithms change, stay updated and flexible. Regularly check your performance metrics and adjust your SEO strategies to maintain a steady flow of organic traffic. This will help to attract more visitors and build an authority in your niche over time.

13. Collaborate

Collaborating with other creators is not merely about extending reach. It often brings fresh perspectives, introduces varied content techniques, and offers learning opportunities.

Reach out to creators whose content complements yours. Propose collaboration ideas, from joint live sessions to guest posts or co-hosted events.

For example, DottsMediaHouse and Trendupp love to leverage our collaborations for the benefit of our audience. How? By running collaborating posts, PR, and live sessions with influencers, content creators, and industry experts.

Check out our previous article about how content creators can collaborate with brands.

14. Establish a Community

Creating content entails posting and connecting with your audience by replying to comments, messages, and emails. Actively engaging your audience builds a loyal community over time.

Check out a detailed article on building a thriving community as a content creator.

Therefore, set aside time each day or week to interact. Use tools like Instagram polls, Twitter Q&As, or simply respond to comments. Engaging with your followers makes them feel valued and keeps them coming back.

Wrapping up

Starting out as a digital creator can be a unique adventure for everyone. By following the tips above, you will find it easier to begin your journey. Plan well and set clear goals to understand the type of digital creator you want to be and to see your growth over time.

Your path might have twists and turns, but with the right approach, you will enjoy the ride and discover your potential.



Trendupp Africa

We are Africa's first reward-based platform, connecting creators and fans.