How Often Should You Post As A Content Creator?

Trendupp Africa
6 min readFeb 29, 2024


How often should you post on social media as a content creator? Everyone has different ideas, from social media managers to content creators.

As digital experts, a simple answer is to post as often as possible and deliver good content regularly.

Quality and consistency matter for success on social media, and it’s a timeless truth that holds firm in 2024.

So, stick around for tips and suggestions to improve your content posting strategy.

We’ve got you covered!

How Often Should You Post On Social Media?

Over time, many articles have shared advice on the best times to post on social media. While they can help plan your posts, we have found some flaws that could be improved in these suggestions. One article might say to post only twice a day on Instagram, another advises specific times on LinkedIn, and others limit your tweets to three to five times daily.

But truthfully, there is no magic formula for how often to post on social media as a content creator. What works for one brand might not work for another. Case studies can offer insights, but one’s solution is unique based on several factors, which we’ll discuss below.

So, instead of chasing magic formulas, try focusing on these proven posting strategies:

Target Consistency, Not Frequency

The trouble with suggested posting frequencies is the mixed-up data. Saying, “We analyzed thousands of posts and found…,” is a jumble of information. Factors like your location, audience’s location, and industry nuances make a big difference. Suggestions like posting at a specific time are often ambiguous.

For example:

“For best results on Instagram, post once a day between 9 am and 5 pm.”

What does that mean? 9 am in Ghana, South Africa, or London? Or 9 am WAT in your local time, which could be 3 am EST. It gets confusing, right?

Imagine if everyone followed this advice and posted at 9 am WAT. Instagram would be silent for 23 hours, then explode with posts.

A better approach is to aim for consistency. Create a content plan and stick to it. If you post twice daily on Facebook or Instagram, stick to that schedule. Your audience will know when to expect fresh posts.

Changes to social media algorithms mean your content might not appear on someone’s newsfeed quickly. To attract people, offer something valuable for them to digest.

Content Quality Over Quantity

There’s nothing worse than posting irrelevant content to fill a time slot. Posting poor-quality content can make you lose followers, especially during crises.

In challenging times, focus on making your content valuable and considerate. Whether providing facts or a much-needed distraction, prioritize helpfulness and authenticity.

If you want your content to resonate with your target audience, give your social media channels a thorough check-up.

Set Goals and Objectives

While consistently posting high-quality content is essential, you must also evaluate your overall social media strategy. You need to know your social media goals to know if your posts are successful.

For example, if your goal is to drive website traffic, but you only get likes and no clicks, it isn’t successful. Similarly, fewer shares may not be negative if you help a client sell more products. Understand your objectives to measure success accurately.

How to Optimize Your Social Media Posting for Different Platforms


Given Facebook’s algorithm changes, understanding your audience through Page Insights is vital.

Therefore, some of the best methods to optimize your Facebook strategy are to tailor your content schedule to your audience’s preferences and experiment with different formats.

In addition, trial and error, coupled with analytics tracking, helps identify your brand’s most effective posting frequency.


To improve your Twitter strategy, keep things fresh instead of obsessing over the perfect posting frequency. Here are some tips:

  • Use images, GIFs, or videos in your posts.
  • Ask questions to start conversations.
  • Share quotes to inspire your followers.
  • Use mentions and hashtags to acquire a wider audience.
  • Include content from other sources in your industry.

Figuring out the best time to tweet depends on your target audience. Therefore, experiment with posting at different times to find what works for you and your clients. You can use scheduling tools to post even when you’re not online, but be sure to respond when you’re back and stay true to yourself.

Keep an eye on your Twitter analytics to see what works and what doesn’t with your tweets and audience. Explore other social media reporting tools for a deeper understanding.


As a visual platform, Instagram demands a strategic approach for brand success. Share top-notch photos and videos to showcase your products or services professionally. Avoid grainy pictures and poor video sound quality to maintain a positive brand image.

In addition, take your audience behind the scenes, offering glimpses of your company’s daily operations or canteen life, creating an authentic connection.

Leverage Instagram Stories for daily content, allowing you to experiment with creative approaches and engage your audience through quizzes, polls, and questions. An added benefit is the ability to seamlessly insert direct links to external content, promoting articles or pages.

Furthermore, explore Instagram Reels, a short-form video format, to tap into the trend of engaging visual content. Regularly analyze performance using Instagram Insights for business profiles or conduct an Instagram audit to evaluate your content’s effectiveness comprehensively.

Finally, test and measure results to discover what resonates best with your audience.


LinkedIn is evolving into a more interactive platform, emphasizing consistent posting and engagement, especially in the context of decreasing digital trust. Optimize your presence on LinkedIn with these practical tips:

  • Text-Only Posts: Surprisingly, text-only posts garner more engagement than images or videos. Experiment with this format and track its impact on your engagement rate.
  • Emojis for Attention: Enhance your posts by using relevant emojis and icons to break up text, making them stand out in the news feed.
  • Native Video: Share videos directly on LinkedIn rather than linking to external platforms like YouTube. LinkedIn prefers self-contained content.
  • Strategic Linking: If you must include an external link, paste it in the comments section. This aligns with LinkedIn’s preference for content to stay within its platform.
  • Encourage Comments: Boost your visibility by encouraging comments. LinkedIn, like Facebook, rewards posts with good comments by expanding their reach.
  • Effective Hashtags: Use hashtags strategically to broaden your content’s reach. Explore LinkedIn Polls to engage followers and gain insights into industry-related questions.
  • Carousel Experimentation: Explore using carousels on LinkedIn, but remember to import them as PDFs. This novel approach can increase engagement rates, providing a fresh perspective on the platform.


TikTok’s goal is to spark creativity and spread joy. The platform recommends content through a complex algorithm, considering factors like user interests and preferences. The unique aspect of TikTok lies in its For You feed, where each user experiences a personalized content stream, combining videos from followed and unfamiliar creators.

Contrary to myths like the ratio and milestones theory, which suggests that every 10th, 50th, and 100th video gains more visibility, it’s essential to approach these ideas cautiously. While frequent posting is encouraged, prioritizing quality content over quantity is crucial.

Rather than focusing solely on posting frequency, emphasize delivering valuable content that resonates with your audience. By concentrating on creating meaningful content, you can genuinely connect with your audience and enhance your presence on TikTok.

Final thoughts

There is no magic frequency when deciding how often to post on social media; you don’t have to post at a particular time. The key is to post relevant, quality content consistently and watch the times your audience engages with your content the most often.

And now, it’s over to you.



Trendupp Africa

We are Africa's first reward-based platform, connecting creators and fans.