7 Things You Must Include In Your Influencer Media Kit to Attract Brand Collaborations

Trendupp Africa
5 min readMay 22, 2024


Creating an effective influencer media kit is essential for grabbing the attention of brands and securing collaborations. Think of it as your professional portfolio that showcases who you are, the content you create, and your impact on social media.

Your media kit is the first impression a brand will have of you, so it needs to be both visually appealing and packed with essential information.

In our previous article, we covered the basics of what an influencer media kit is and why it is important. Now, let’s dive deeper into what you should include to make your media kit stand out.

7 Things You Must Include In Your Influencer Media Kit

These are the common sections to include in your media kit as a content creator and influencer. But you can add more information to suit your needs and brand offers.

Things You Must Include In Your Influencer Media Kit | A lady writing notes for her YouTube and Podcast content.

1. A Short Bio with Image

Your bio is the first thing brands will see, making it the most important part of your media kit. This section should be at the top and needs to make a strong impression.

Write a short and engaging bio that highlights what makes you unique as an influencer. Share a bit about your personality, interests, and the value you bring to brands. Don’t forget to include a professional, high-quality photo that represents your personal brand.

In your bio, make sure to include:

  • Your Name: Let them know who you are.
  • Location: Where are you based?
  • Content Type: What kind of content do you create?
  • Value: What makes your content special? Why should brands work with you?
  • Experience: Mention any relevant experience that adds to your credibility.
  • Contact Information: How can brands reach you?

If you have a blog or website, include the link here to showcase more of your work and online presence. This way, brands can easily see what you’re all about and why they should collaborate with you.

2. Your Active Social Media Channels

One crucial part of your media kit is listing all your active social media accounts, complete with links. This helps brands see where you have the most influence and where their products could get the best exposure.

Therefore, include every platform where you have a strong presence. Make it easy for brands to check out your content by providing direct links to your profiles. This way, they can see your work in action and understand your style and reach right away.

3. Your Performance Statistics

While quality content is crucial, your performance statistics are just as important. Brands look at these numbers to see if your reach and engagement match their goals.

Number of Followers:

Your follower count is one of the first things brands check. It shows how many people you can potentially reach. Make sure to update this regularly to keep it accurate.

Engagement Rates:

Brands care about more than just your followers; they want to see how active your audience is. Include metrics like average likes, shares, comments, and views to show the level of interaction on your posts. This proves that your followers are real and genuinely interested in your content. You can also mention how often you post and how much your following has grown over time.

Audience Demographics:

Describe your audience’s demographics, such as age, gender, location, and interests. This helps brands understand if your followers match their target market, making it easier for them to decide if you’re a good fit for their collaboration.

4. Past Brand Collaborations and Testimonials

This section is your chance to sell yourself and showcase your achievements. Think of it as the work history on your resume. If you have worked with brands before, highlight those collaborations here. The more details you provide, the better.

Brands love to see specifics like your engagement rates, clicks, and conversions. Share concrete data, such as how long your campaigns lasted, how your efforts boosted the brand’s stats, and the exact number of people you influenced.

Include information from affiliate programs too. For example, if you provided a discount code to your followers, mention how many people used it and how much revenue you generated for the brand.

Be sure to speak positively about the brands you’ve partnered with. This is your moment to be upbeat and inspiring.

Don’t forget to add testimonials from brands you have worked with. Testimonials build trust and show credibility. If you don’t have any yet, don’t hesitate to ask your past partners for a few words of praise.

By including these elements, you show potential collaborators that you are a reliable and effective influencer, ready to bring value to their brand.

5. Your Services and Rates

Clearly outline what you can offer. Whether it’s sponsored posts, product reviews, or Instagram takeovers, let brands know the types of collaborations you’re open to.

Including your rates at the end of your media kit allows you to first showcase your value and talent. Whether or not to include a rate card in your brand kit is a debated topic among influencers and content creators. Here are some points to consider:

Pros of Including Rates:

Being upfront about pricing shows brands that you expect to be paid for your work, not just with free products but with actual money.

This transparency can prevent you from entering into contracts that don’t benefit you financially. It sets a clear expectation that your time and effort are valuable.

Cons of Including Rates:

Listing rates without knowing the specifics of the work can be risky. Every collaboration is unique, and you might want flexibility to negotiate based on the scope of the project.

Tips for Rate Presentation:

Consider phrasing your prices as “suggested” or “estimated” rates. This leaves room for negotiation and adjustment based on the brand’s needs and budget.

Alternatively, you can choose not to include rates in your media kit. Instead, send them separately when a brand expresses interest. This way, you can tailor your pricing to suit each potential partner.

By thoughtfully deciding how to present your rates, you can maintain flexibility while still making it clear that your work has value.

7. Photos

As an influencer, visuals are your bread and butter — they catch people’s eyes and make them pause their scrolling. Including a few high-quality photos in your media kit is essential. These photos showcase your photography skills and give brands a glimpse of your unique style and aesthetic.

Photos also provide a visual break for readers, making your media kit more engaging and enjoyable to browse through. Brands can get a better idea of what you do and how you can bring their products to life with your creative touch.

Wrapping Up

Now you know the key elements to include in your media kit. Feel free to add other sections that fit your brand, like FAQs or special offers. The next step is to learn how to create an influencer media kit, and we’ve got that covered for you too.

So, stay tuned to our blog for more tips and updates. Don’t forget to follow us to get notified whenever we post new content!



Trendupp Africa

We are Africa's first reward-based platform, connecting creators and fans.